

Basic Authenticity

Our basic rules of authenticity are typically higher than most other reenactment units. We try to emulate the basic German soldier from head to toe. The emphasis in the last statement is on basic.We portray standard infantry men, not specialist troops of any kind, we emphasize the look of the rule rather than the exception. We ask that all members use period or exact reproduction equipment wherever possible, uniforms gear and otherwise. Ideally, save for medications and some toiletries, we ask that members be able to walk away from their cars and be able to spend a weekend with only 1940s period gear and uniforms.

We try to emulate the look of German soldiers in every way. We require period haircuts and glasses and no facial hair. We want you to look like you just stepped out off a WWII news reel, with nothing to blow the suspension of disbelief. Earrings, excessive jewelry, modern cigarettes, rubber soled boots, personal coolers for food, canned beer and other luxuries that are allowed by other units are not allowed at our standard events. Because we strive to be the most authentic, we get more offers off film and TV work than any other reenactment unit in the US. See out film section for our ever growing portfolio of media appearances.

Authenticity really comes down to common sense. Before you pack your stuff in the car for the weekend, look at it and ask: “If I were to get beamed back to 1942, would they be able to spot me as a person from the future?” If the answer is yes, fix it. It’s that simple.

See the Impressions section for more information on proper uniforms and gear.

Further Info:

Every member recieves a unit handbook, this covers every aspect of our participation in the hobby, including rules, regulations, awards, promotions and impression guidelines.

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