July 2013 – May 2014
Public display with public battle.
The largest all-period living history event on the west coast.
Friday night, August 9, 6-10pm: 40s Homecoming Dance at History Park. Class A’s.
Saturday August 10, 12noon- 5pm. Living History at History Park
Sunday August 11th, 6pm-9pm. Spirit of ’45 Day at San Jose Giants. Followed by post game fire works.
German impressions and encampment welcome at the living history event, we will be allowed to camp on-site.
This is a modern battle reenactment that the 352 has an open invitation to. Impressions are Terrorist / Counter Terrorist.
This will be a barracks event, battle will be both days held at the east garrison training area.
This is a dry site, no alcohol of any kind is allowed, including unopened containers in POVs.
There are no fires, cookstoves or BBQs allowed in the barracks area.