
April – November 2013

Desert Event @ California City
Apr 12 – Apr 14 all-day

March-April 1943 : Algeria & Tunsia



“20 Miles north of Kramer junction is the hard-to-see exit for 20 Mule team road. As you exit the highway, you will transition to dirt road for a mile or so, before it turns to black top. We should install directional signs here. It’s extremely tough to see at night time. Turn to the south to travel towards H Park and our site.”

More info at the CHG site

Battle for Germany @ George AFB
May 3 – May 5 all-day

Mega-Armor and infantry battle.
Germany 1945, late war impressions.

This will be like our old “Fort Ord’ events where we will be staying in and around old abandoned buildings on the site.

Forresthill Ostfront tactical @ Forresthill California
Jul 12 @ 11:00 am – Jul 14 @ 12:00 pm

This is a summer 1943 Eastern Front scenario at Forresthill California, between Finning Mill and Hollow Logging Road. We will be using locations not used before that I have personally walked and found fit for even those who fear leaving the sight of the road (Or that can’t read maps).

Directions from Forresthill, Ca are to continue on Forresthill Road and take a Left on to Sugar Pine Road. Follow it down about a mile and then take a Left at the hairpin turn, look for 9.SS and event Signage. Follow the road town to the POV parking area. From there there will be signage to the Hauptkampflinie (The Main Battle line, our jumping off point for Saturday). There is discussion for a Vorausabteilung (Forward party) on Thursday, if you are interested, let us know and you can assist with setting up the site and going over the landscape. You also get the opportunity to spend an extra night with your Kameraden im Gefecht.

This event is going to be a ‘Campaign Style’ event, where you will carry everything on you that you need in your rucksack for the weekend. We will have Kradschuetzen with extra water and supplies in the Kraeder (Motorcycles). However have your Brotbeutel (Bread Bags) full, and your Feldflasche (Canteen) full as well. We will also be sleeping in the field so pack ‘extras’ and the other accessories that you will need. We will have a fire at night, after the resistance is crushed of course.



Waffen-SS: 1943 Eastern Front Impression: M-40 or 42 Helmet, 40-43 Tunics, 40-43 Trousers, Smock and Helmet Cover. No DOT. ‘Tropical’ web gear allowed.

Heer: 1943 Eastern Front Impression: Same as Waffen-SS in General, Splinter Camo items allowed, no Sumpfmuster (Tan-Water) please. ‘Tropical’ web gear allowed.

Nonsense, but it must be stated:

Non-Period / Postwar Zelts are not allowed. Modern water containers, plastic baggies, Gatorade bottles, etc. are not allowed. If discovered, you will be asked to remove all items from your kit and walk them back to your POV. Wax paper, Brown Paper, etc. are readily available and will keep your food from spoiling just as well as plastic. Do not be lazy, in advance because it will cause an ‘inconvenience’ while wearing your full impression in the field and take away from everyone else.


Saturday, 9:00 am the German forces will begin a series of Aufklarungs-Auflosung (Recon and destroy) missions covering the areas between Finning Mill road and Hollow logging road. We will provide detailed topographical maps for Squad leaders and above and conduct a series of sweeping actions to clear the area throughout the day. When enemy positions are detected, the reconnoiting troops will return to share with the joint command Stab and then joint attack plans will be devised. This is not going to be a deer hunt, but a coordinated Recon, Develop, and Destroy type of event that will take longer, but will promise to have more coordinated and intense battles throughout the whole day with observation, movement, and landscape awareness throughout the day. We will break at 7pm for a joint memorial for our passed friend Steven Dominic, the beloved Rttf. Stefan Dominik and then a joint field meal and party to celebrate our friends visiting from Germany and those who have departed. And those who are departing (but still staying in this world, yours truly going overseas for two years).

Sunday, we will conduct a few short sorties to finish off from our last positions on Saturday to finish off the Soviet forces.

This event we will be encouraging the taking of prisoners, and when consented hand to hand in close situations. If you are unwilling to engage in hand to hand in a situation you have essentially surrendered and will be taken into soviet hands or vice-verse for the rest of the skirmish and during the next scenario as well. This will create situations in which to hold unique scenarios, maybe even set on a time table before the ‘chance to save Grenadier X’ runs out.


This event is officially sanctioned by YOWW2RS. Therefore, collection of battle fees, dues, etc. are completely up to the commanding officer of the respective unit. Your Own WW2 Reenactment Society encourages you to do what you want.

Feel free to share this event page with other members of your respective unit.

Anzio CHG @ Holcomb Valley Boy Scout Camp
Aug 16 @ 11:45 am – Aug 18 @ 12:45 pm

Anzio event hosted by the 12th SS.
See CHG Page for more details.

Battle of the Caucasus Regional Russian Front @ Holcomb Valley Boy Scout Camp
Sep 27 @ 11:45 am – Sep 29 @ 12:45 pm

This is a HUGE Russian front event that is well on it’s way to being the national event for the US. Last year the turnout was amazing, and a it was a unique opportunity to battle in early war russia.

This will be a bivouac event, impression guidelines TBA.

Healdsburg Training Weekend @ Healdsbug CA
Nov 16 @ 10:30 am – Nov 17 @ 11:30 am

This will be an invite only private training weekend for the 352 and guests.

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